... "in 2 years i will love you. 5 months ago i loved you. in 5 years, 2 days and 6 minutes, i will love you. i will love you when i'm 90 and sitting on my porch in a big white house on a lake, i will love you. i just hope you are there for all the time i will love you." -unknown
had much fun last night with my girlies. we went to trattoria nervosa (Rebecca's recommendation - my work wife has amazing taste) and the food was delicious! mmmm pumpkin ravioli and sangria... we headed back to ingie's condo and we had patron and gold schlogger with apple juice (yum!), played dress up (sorry, no pillow fights) and went out again. who knew we would end up back in the 90s? we proceeded our night of sparkly walls, dangling paper cranes and ghetto dancing. it was magical.
the lover is sick; i've learned that a tiny cough in a 6'6 man = a full out week of flu for me. so i stayed away and spent the day diy'ing. i'm going over to make him lunch tomorrow though. he has work tomorrow and thursday and i doubt that he'll be better by tomorrow by the way he sounds over the phone. poor puppy.