Friday, February 4, 2011

Children's story by Robert Frost - This one's for you Ingie!

In addition to the poetry book by him, I am reading the book that the lover got me, The Collected Prose of Robert Frost.

"A little girl went out to walk from her mama and she came to a cow and got past it and it didn't hurt her and she came to another cow and got past that one too and it didn't hurt her and so another and another, four in all. Then she turned around and came back past the same four. She got past the whole four twice without a hurt and came home and told her mama and her mama was so glad she had come through all right that she hugged her. I neglected to say this little girl had her doll Rosa with her and she's awfully afraid of cows."

I know you read my blog, and I know you like cows. This made me think of you <3