... relaxing long weekend, with zero things checked off on my to do list. nice.
i still have to do my taxes...
while many have returned to work today, i continued to do what i've been doing for the past three days: rolling around, eating, and reading (finally! yay! i'm reading american psycho at the moment. definitely not my usual choice of reads - i haven't read these thriller kind of books since elementary school... I had a thing for Stephen King books a long time ago. wait, is that weird? that I was into Stephen King when I was 14?-, but did i tell you that i found a brand new copy of it on the subway, with receipt inside and everything? WIN! sorry for whoever left it there, but... free books? uhhh yes please.)
I've developed a nasty habit of starting books and not finishing them, over the last couple of years.
Books I've started but have yet not finished:
- Dracula (started summer 2010)
- Jane Eyre (started summer 2009)
-Midnight's Children (started fall 2008)
-The Collected Prose of Robert Frost (started 2011)
-The Green Dwarf - a juvenilia by charlotte bronte (started winter of 2010)
I am terrible.
we had another talk of the future. the lover is all in; over and over again he shows me, and yet i'm scared still. i love him very much and i still have the biggest crush on him, so why do i suffer from this unreasonable paranoia?
anyways, as i always say, with time...