... started class today. walking in the rain was a pain in zee arse.
when will the sunshine come back?
as i get older, i am noticing that i have absolutely no tolerance or patience for immature stupid bitches. *sigh* why, oh why, are there so many of them in the world?
it's a long weekend that's coming up. dawn's visiting for a week and so is ingie for two days. it should be a fun week.
potluck at jason's this week, that should be fun.
i rolled around in bed with the lover for 3 hours. lol. nothing but hugs, kisses and tummy rubs. i know i write about the lover a lot here, but this helps me not to gush over him too much to people in real life. i'm not really a mushy person, or least i thought, until i met him. what can i say? i'm in love, damn it.