... trying to figure out what to do with my life. seems like the hardest thing to do; instead of being swept up in the stream of life, i want to have control and take the steps that i want.
i need to make a visual timeline or something. maybe that's what i need to do.
anyways, good news: i got 94 in my last class. oh and me and the lover are going on another adventure next month for our 1 year anniversary/his b day celebration. yay. i think he just may be addicted to rolling around in king sized beds in nice hotels (with me of course) lol.
it's going to be a year for us next month, and i feel more in love than ever. i wonder if this is how it's supposed to be, if this is okay. but then i think who cares... we make our damn rules.
i've made blueberry crumb bars yesterday and it turned out just marvellously, so i'm making more tomorrow to bring to a party. i love these easy to do recipes. complicated cooking is not pour moi, merci.
i'm set in terms of tuition for the winter session; i'll be on my merry way to graduating, finally.
decisions, decisions. i just don't want to be forced into making circumstantial choices anymore. i want to go where i'm going because i wanted to.