... i've always been a bit of a fruit maniac, but these days, i am obsessed with peaches.
ontario peaches are so ripe and juicy these days and with grocery stores selling about 8 or 9 of them for $4, I have been eating 4 at a time. i don't know if people know, but i hate hard peaches or plums. hate them. so it's such a treat to have access to such lush and sweet peaches. happiness.
i told the lover about the funk that i'm in these days. the whole i feel hesitant about what to do so i'm just not going to do anything but be lazy funk. just talking about it made me realize that i want to get out of it now (with his encouragement, of course)
i think it won't be too hard to be busy now, especially with many things going on in September. I got home 2 hours ago, and all i've been doing is planning the lover's b day. too broke to spend too much but i want to make it special for him :D
anyways, brunch with silva and magda tomorrow morning. i haven't seen magda in a year i think! i'm glad she's alive.