... with your face covered with tears, runny nose, hiccuping, and all?
i really hate it when my past intrudes on my present, but what can you do... it's a good thing that he still loves me, even with me rubbing my snot on his shoulder. honestly, to quote him "many galaxies must've aligned for us to find eachother". he's just amazing beyond words.
i don't know when it happened but it's already the 22nd of August. i'm starting to feel like i'm enjoying life too much and not doing enough work. it's probably because it is true.
anywho, i've officially declared my two week intense work out/eat healthy purge. it's going to be in.ten.se.
i've been watching a lot of movies lately with the lover: the rise of the planet of the apes, paul, your highness, conan the barbarian... out of all of them, i really enjoyed the rise of the planet of the apes and your highness.
"prepare for the fuckening!" hahahhahaha.