... many might differ on their opinions but I will attest that our sex is better than your sex.
i received a letter in the mail from Ingrid today!!! oh. em. gee. i'm so happy!!!
I just finished writing her a letter back and i'll be mailing it to her tomorrow!! I hope it gets to her quicker than hers did... it must've gotten lost or something on the way because she sent it in july!! anywho, i'm so happy to receive mail :D
the weekend was great! we went to the casino for literally 10 minutes and won $19! we saw the falls, had a bubble bath in our tub, ate at the brazilian steakhouse and had fun!! mmmm... grilled pineapples. yum.
anywho, finally back home now and i'm sleepy but have few more things to do before bed.
this month is flying by.