... long ass day yesterday. honestly, 13 hour days aren't exactly the ideal but being at home sucks the living energy out of me.
being here, i can't focus on myself; multitasking i can do flawlessly, but having 3 or 4 of my identities thrusted upon me at once, now that's draining. oh... the silent expectations. i've always thought that it was my duty to grin and bear it since there just wasn't anyone else who could or would. it has been my reality for the last 12 years, as the firstborn of an immigrant family. i've always felt suffocated by the lack of independence, lack of control, and most of all, the poverty.
these days i am realizing that it will be nearly impossible for me to move forward in my career, maintaining the roles and duties that i have been for as long as i can remember. something will have to give. and they'll just have to learn how to do things on their own.