... this week went by really quickly, but i'm still tired nonetheless.
lots of errands to run today, and lots of readings i have to get done. my morning hasn't been the smoothest; hopefully, the rest of the day will be productive.
i feel like i'm growing a girl mullet. i know it doesn't look like a mullet but i feel like i am.
will i ever find a printer that will love me right?
beach tmr with my beloved i think. i called him at 2 in the morning, fully knowing that he's asleep (i missed him, damn it!). he answered my call with the cutest and the groggiest "i miss you", then 2 minutes of him ruffling in his blankets. another "i love you baby", then more ruffling around <3
lots of break ups around me lately. i think it's better to break up soon after you realize that it's not going to work (after much effort to make it work of course). But in the end, people leave not because it's hard, but because it's just not worth it anymore.
i know love is supposed to look beyond the gain and loss factor, but love in relationships are so rare these days to begin with. I know they exist, but i also know that self love often triumphs which is also fair in my opinion.
break ups are always unfair, it's always hurtful and disappointing, and most of all, it always just sucks.
but relationships are hard, and it's harder to have a good one. so you just keep searching.
Edit: wow, today was the worst day ever. bunch of assholes in my face everywhere (including tiny children running around), the subway not cooperating and what not. but had some quality tlc time with the lover.